I started using clothe diapers again with Eva. She did not like them, threw a fit and pulled them off. I told her she could use the potty if she didn't like the diapers. She had been following Jameson into the bathroom for a month before this. Just like that she sat on the little potty and went pee. I was so proud of her. She is just 13 months old! I am not saying she is totally potty trained, but I am so proud of her for trying!
In just a couple of weeks there will be a garden here!
Poor Jameson came down with the croupe this week. He will be home from school the rest of the week.
Here are a couple of smiling faces for Nana and Papa.Eva had a well baby check this week. She weighed in at 19 lb 4 oz. , 29 in. long and her head was 43.9 in. around. She is in the 10th percentile because she is a shorty. She is talking a lot and even using the potty! Jameson is counting down the days until summer. We talk lots about our garden and catching Peter Rabbit.